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UPDATE 5/31: Contest is over and codes have been given out. Thanks for playing, everyone!

The long-awaited (by Photosmith users) Photosmith 2 is finally upon us, and I have a few codes to give away. This app is a bargain at $20, but for four fortunate photographers? Free.

For the uninitiated, Photosmith is an iPad app that lets you manage photos on your tablet then sync those changes to your Lightroom catalog. For all of its amazing features, though, v1.0 lacked one critical feature: you couldn’t take your Lightroom photos with you for managing on the road. The latest version, however, finally brings that feature to the table and it is a revelation. I have 37,232 photos I need to rate, and it doesn’t seem as hellish a task now that I can just rate photos on my daily work commute.

I’ll be writing a proper review in a week or so, but no need to wait for me when there are four app codes to be had. And how do you get your grubby little mitts on these sweet, sweet codes? One of two ways.

  1. Option A – Pick any one of my O.P.P. episodes and try your own hand at retouching the source RAW. Upload a copy to the comments of the appropriate page and on Wednesday, May 30th, My favorite three retouches will receive a code each. As this is a merit-based reward, you may submit more than one entry.
  2. Option B – Comment below with your favorite (clean) joke. On Wednesday, May 30th, I will pick one random entry to win the fourth code. Only comments with jokes will be entered into the drawing. Feel free to submit as many jokes as you want, but you’ll only get one entry for it.

And yes, you may enter both.


  • Matt Lyons says:

    I’ve learned a lot about using lightroom from your episodes, keep up the great work. I upvote them on reddit when ever I see them too.

    Here’s my joke entry: I moved into a new apartment block the other day and one of my new neighbours knocked on my door at 3am. 3am! I couldn’t believe it. Thank god I was up practicing my bagpipes at the time.

  • Sam says:

    Thanks for hosting this competition. It’d be great to win.

    Here is my entry: Have you heard about that recent pirate movie that was released? I heard it’s rated AARRR!

  • Zach Dalzell says:

    A doctor and a lawyer were talking at a party.

    Their conversation was constantly interrupted by people describing their ailments and asking the doctor for free medical advice.

    After an hour of this, the exasperated doctor asked the lawyer, “What do you do to stop people from asking you for legal advice when you’re out of the office?”

    “I give it to them,” replied the lawyer, “and then I send them a bill.”

    The doctor was shocked, but agreed to give it a try.

    The next day, still feeling slightly guilty, the doctor prepared the bills.

    When he went to place them in his mailbox, he found a bill from the lawyer.

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