One of the perks of self-employment is that I’m no longer forced to backburner series ideas for lack of time. So when I decided it would be cool to take long exposure shots of various rooms and exhibits at The Met with the hopes of photographing an “empty” museum, there was nothing to stop me from just grabbing my tripod, ND filters, and hopping a train to 86th street.
Thanks to mistaking how late the museum stayed open and the fact that the photos were 3- to 4-minute exposures, I didn’t get to do as much shooting as I would have liked. Still, it was a great learning experience and gave me some great ideas for my next attempt. Another perk of having this free time is being able to go back and reshoot; my first drafts are usually crap, and having the luxury of returning to a concept with new ideas and techniques can mean the difference between good and great.
Here are some of the shots from my first attempt. Not bad, but now that I’ve had a chance to learn from my mistakes, I can’t wait to go back and do it right.
In the immortal words of Joe McNally, more tk.