I attended my first Holi celebration today, and while it wasn’t quite the citywide anarchy of color that the holiday is famous for, it was still incredibly fun and very colorful (I’m still washing the dye out of my hair). If anything, though, it was a good warmup for the real thing (which I still plan on attending one day). Also, I think I finally know what Easter Eggs go through.
I’m sure some of my family would cluck their teeth that I opted for this celebration over the traditional Easter Sunday Mass, but I’m only human. Hourlong masses and stiff clothing can’t really compete against a day devoted to song and food and drowning in colors. Maybe if Easter Mass could somehow incorporate a Nerf gun fight, I might be tempted to drop in.
Check out some of the action below. If you’d like to see even more of the chaos, head on over to my Facebook Page.